


Release 16   2007-12-21  
7.1.1   2007-05-17   fixed   Case in uses clausule for Kylix compatibility.
1.1.0   2006-03-17   added   provide two sided compatibility between FreePascal nad Borland.
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Release 16   2007-12-21  
7.2.0   2007-12-14   added   serial port names detection under Linux.
7.1.0   2007-05-17   added   Removed Libc dependency for all non-Windows FPC.
7.0.1   2006-05-18   fixed   registry path in GetSerialPortNames
7.0.0   2006-01-11   added   Support for probably all Libc/termios based operating systems supported by FreePascal. (tested by Linux on PowerPC CPU)
Release 15   2005-12-27  
6.3.7   2005-12-27   fixed   On windows is registry key with serial port names opened as read only. (on D4+ only, D3 not need this fix.)
6.3.7   2005-12-27   modified   fixed compiler warning in ModemStatus method.
6.3.6   2005-01-18   fixed   Classes uses for Linux
Release 14   2004-09-02  
6.3.5   2004-09-02   fixed   freeze on Win9x systems
Release 13   2004-06-28  
6.3.3   2004-06-28   added   FPC 1.9.4 compatibility
6.3.3   2004-06-28   fixed   lost canread event on very fast serial ports
6.3.3   2004-06-28   fixed   crash after hibernation on Windows
6.3.3   2004-06-28   added   new function for getting list of existing serial ports in system. (for Windows only!)
6.3.3   2004-06-28   added   new communication functions for working with streams
6.3.3   2004-06-28   added   new communication functions for working with integers and blocks
Release 12   2003-07-28  
6.1.0   2003-07-28   added   FPC compatibility
6.1.0   2003-07-28   removed   dummy CreateSocket
6.1.0   2003-07-28   fixed   error raising when comport is locked on linux
6.1.0   2003-07-28   fixed   waitingdata (sometimes return garbage instead value)
6.1.0   2003-07-28   added   better generation of LastErrorDesc
Release 11   2003-03-25  
6.0.6   2003-03-25   added   constants for stopbit definition
6.0.6   2003-03-25   added   new Onstatus hook 'wait' called when bandwidth limitation stops transfer
6.0.6   2003-03-25   added   Device property with pure name of device what is using
6.0.6   2003-03-25   fixed   automatic detection of line terminator working properly!
6.0.6   2003-03-25   added   property ATTimeout for timeout on modem commands
6.0.6   2003-03-25   added   InterpacketTimeout property for define timeout mode (timeout between chars or overall timeout)
6.0.6   2003-03-25   modified   ChangeParams has been renamed to Config
6.0.6   2003-03-25   modified   Connect not have comport configuration parameters! Use Connect and Config methods!
6.0.6   2003-03-25   added   RecvBuffStr
6.0.6   2003-03-25   added   OnStatus events SerialOpen and SerialClose have parameter with device name
6.0.6   2003-03-25   added   can handle any device names, not only standard serial devices!
6.0.6   2003-03-25   fixed   overlapped operations closed properly.
6.0.6   2003-03-25   modified   optimised RecvPacket
6.0.6   2003-03-25   fixed   detecting errors in many windows serial calls
6.0.6   2003-03-25   fixed   Using of invalid set of comm parameters now raising error!
6.0.6   2003-03-25   fixed   Odd parity on Linux now working. (typo error)
6.0.6   2003-03-25   modified   Linux locking is more tolerant to missing permission
Release 10   2002-10-17  
5.3.2   2002-10-17   removed   remove duplicate declaration of SynaErrormethod in Linux code
5.3.2   2002-10-17   added   ChangeParam method for change communication parameters on the fly
5.3.2   2002-10-17   fixed   removed lost CancelIO call
5.3.2   2002-10-17   modified   CanWrite on Win9x waiting for last byte is transmited from UART
5.3.2   2002-10-17   removed   SoftEnableRTStoggle
5.3.2   2002-10-17   modified   EnableRTStoggle recognise what RTS toggle method is best for runnig system itself. (and now working very fine on all supported platforms!)
Release 9   2002-08-26  
5.1.0   2002-08-26   added   LastErrorDesc for human readable description of LastError
5.1.0   2002-08-26   modified   ErrorMethod is renamed to SynaErrormethod, because name conflict with new Kylix method
5.1.0   2002-08-26   added   ATConnect for easy open data connection with modems. (by dialing or accepting connection)
5.1.0   2002-08-26   added   ATResult property for easy testing result of last AT modem command.
5.1.0   2002-08-26   added   Can limit bandwidth for sending or receiving
5.1.0   2002-08-26   added   ConvertLineEnd property for line terminator independency
5.1.0   2002-08-26   fixed   leak with event handle
5.1.0   2002-08-26   fixed   sometimes allocate huge memory on RecvPacket
5.1.0   2002-08-26   modified   RecvByte use LineBuffer
Release 8   2002-04-18  
5.0.0   2002-04-18   modified   better error detection and new error codes
5.0.0   2002-04-18   added   under Linux is option for serial port locking
5.0.0   2002-04-18   fixed   under Linux working 6 and 7 bits lenght of word
5.0.0   2002-04-18   removed   AntiFreeze timeouts
5.0.0   2002-04-18   added   Deadlocktimeout instead of antifreeze timeouts
5.0.0   2002-04-18   added   property for indicate active instance
5.0.0   2002-04-18   added   option for testing DSR or RTS before each data transfer as device presence test
5.0.0   2002-04-18   added   can limit maximal length of LineBuffer
5.0.0   2002-04-18   removed   setting of send buffer, because for good working must be 0
5.0.0   2002-04-18   added   can send break signal
5.0.0   2002-04-18   fixed   better detecting of commport number
5.0.0   2002-04-18   modified   CloseSocket call Purge before closing port
5.0.0   2002-04-18   fixed   wrong operation mode under Linux
5.0.0   2002-04-18   fixed   setting of communication flags
5.0.0   2002-04-18   modified   after connect is called Purge
5.0.0   2002-04-18   modified   changed timeout error 30 to new independent value
5.0.0   2002-04-18   fixed   handshake error under windows
5.0.0   2002-04-18   modified   reworked RecvBuffer
5.0.0   2002-04-18   modified   reworked recvterminated for best effeciency
5.0.0   2002-04-18   fixed   AT command now working with modems what use only CR as string delimiter instead CRLF
5.0.0   2002-04-18   modified   Errors have more descriptive comments
Release 7   2002-02-04  
4.3.1   2002-02-04   fixed   lot of problems around timeouts.
4.3.1   2002-02-04   fixed   occasionally freeze
4.3.1   2002-02-04   added   new CanReadEx and WaitingDataEx methods for better work with data in internal LineBuffer.
Release 6   2001-12-28  
3.0.2   2001-12-28   fixed   Reworked timeouts... now is compatible with WinXP, etc.
3.0.2   2001-12-28   added   Now supported more then 9 comports. (You may open i.e "COM241")
Release 5   2001-11-30  
3.0.0   2001-11-30   modified   massive improvement in library core for windows. It massive raise performance!
Release 4   2001-11-19  
2.2.1   2001-11-19   added   New method for receiving data RecvTerminated
2.2.1   2001-11-19   modified   some internals...
Release 3   2001-10-22  
2.0.1   2001-10-22   added   compatibility with Linux
2.0.1   2001-10-22   added   lot of new features...
2.0.1   2001-10-22   fixed   lot of bugfixes...
Release 2   2001-06-23  
1.1.0   2001-06-18   modified   call Delphi routines instead directly call WinAPI. It improve better compatibility with Delphi 4,5 and 6.
Release 1   2001-04-01  
1.1.1   2001-03-25   fixed   Handle property type
1.0.0   2001-03-25   added   Class TBlockSerial wrapping serial port
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Release 16   2007-12-21  
4.11.3   2007-01-31   fixed   PadString with short strings.
4.11.2   2007-01-27   modified   IsBinaryString ignoring null terminator on end of string.
4.11.1   2007-01-14   modified   DecodeRfcDateTime have better date validity checks.
4.11.0   2007-01-06   added   PadString function
4.10.1   2006-08-03   modified   HeadersToList failsafe check, because Theo calling it twice. ;-)
4.10.0   2006-06-29   removed   IP address related functions moved to new unit Synaip. (IsIp, IsIP6, IPtoID, StrToIP6, IP6toStr, StrToIP, IPtoStr)
4.9.2   2006-06-11   fixed   TrimSPleft and TrimSPright can work with empty string
4.9.2   2006-06-11   fixed   IsIP6 not mark 'just one number' as IPv6 address
4.9.2   2006-06-11   fixed   IsIP6 mark '::' as valid IPv6 address
4.9.1   2006-05-14   modified   removed LIBC dependency for FreePascal
4.9.0   2006-03-31   added   StrToIP6 and IP6ToStr (independent on OS)
4.9.0   2006-03-31   added   StrToIP and IPToStr
4.8.4   2006-03-04   modified   IncPoint is compatible with 64-bit pointers too.
4.8.3   2006-02-02   modified   PosCRLF rewriten for better performance
Release 15   2005-12-27  
4.8.2   2005-12-20   modified   GetTick trying to use high-performance system counters on Windows platform
4.8.1   2005-10-23   added   GetTempFile
4.8.1   2005-10-23   added   QuoteStr
4.8.1   2005-10-23   fixed   UnquoteStr never using system functions (it is buggy and can crash your program). It using my new routine instead
4.6.9   2005-09-23   fixed   UnquoteStr can unquote empty quoted string
4.6.9   2005-09-23   added   Added compatibility with FPC-1.9.7
4.6.9   2005-09-23   modified   improvments of decodeRFCdateTime
4.6.9   2005-09-23   fixed   functions generating formated strings from time using right time separators.
Release 14   2004-09-02  
4.6.4   2004-08-23   added   WriteStrToStream
4.6.4   2004-08-23   added   ReadStrFromStream
4.6.4   2004-08-23   added   SwapBytes
4.6.4   2004-08-23   added   ListToHeaders
4.6.4   2004-08-23   added   HeadersToList
4.6.4   2004-08-23   fixed   UnquoteStr with workaround for bug in AnsiExtractQuotedStr
4.6.4   2004-08-23   added   FetchBin
4.6.4   2004-08-23   fixed   Better GetParameter function
4.6.4   2004-08-23   fixed   TrimSP, TrimSPleft and TrimSPRight for trimming spaces only
4.6.4   2004-08-23   added   CodeLongint and DecodeLongint
4.6.4   2004-08-23   modified   GetTimeFromstr return -1 when string is invalid!
4.6.4   2004-08-23   modified   GetMonthNummer supporting English, German, French, Czech and custom month names
Release 13   2004-06-28  
Release 12   2003-07-28  
4.0.2   2003-07-21   added   UnquoteStr function
4.0.2   2003-07-21   added   CountOfChar function
4.0.2   2003-07-21   added   GetBetween function
4.0.2   2003-07-21   added   FetchEx function
4.0.2   2003-07-21   added   ParseParameterEx function
4.0.2   2003-07-21   added   DumpStrEx function
4.0.2   2003-07-21   added   DumpStr function
4.0.2   2003-07-21   added   FPC compatibility
Release 11   2003-03-25  
3.5.1   2003-03-24   added   IsIP6
3.5.1   2003-03-24   removed   ReverseIP (moved directly to DNSSend)
3.5.1   2003-03-24   added   TickDelta for compute time differencies
3.5.1   2003-03-24   modified   GetTick return ULong
3.3.0   2003-01-01   modified   Stringreplace is renamed do replaceStrig (because name conflict with same named function in newer delphi)
3.3.0   2003-01-01   added   IncPoint
3.3.0   2003-01-01   modified   DecodeRfcDateTime using default year 1980
3.3.0   2003-01-01   fixed   ParseURL
Release 10   2002-10-17  
Release 9   2002-08-26  
3.2.1   2002-08-20   added   ParseParameters
3.2.1   2002-08-20   added   IndexByBegin
3.2.1   2002-08-20   added   IsBinaryString
3.2.1   2002-08-20   added   PosCRLF
3.2.1   2002-08-20   added   StringsTrim
3.2.1   2002-08-20   added   PosFrom
3.2.1   2002-08-20   fixed   date and time functions now thread safe
3.2.1   2002-08-20   fixed   DecodeRFCDateTime now more resistent for broken input
3.2.1   2002-08-20   modified   IsIP
2.11.1   2002-05-05   added   AnsiCDateTime
2.11.1   2002-05-05   added   GetMonthNumber
2.11.1   2002-05-05   added   GetTimeFromStr
2.11.1   2002-05-05   added   GetDateMDYFromStr
2.11.1   2002-05-05   added   RposEx
Release 8   2002-04-18  
2.8.0   2002-02-10   fixed   Better implementation of IsIP
2.8.0   2002-02-10   modified   ParseURL respect new https protocol
Release 7   2002-02-04  
Release 6   2001-12-28  
2.7.1   2001-12-10   added   TimeZoneBias
2.7.1   2001-12-10   added   DecodeRFCDateTime for decoding various textual date and time formats
2.7.1   2001-12-10   added   GetUTCTime and SetUTCTime
2.7.1   2001-12-10   fixed   Fetch
Release 5   2001-11-30  
Release 4   2001-11-19  
Release 3   2001-10-22  
2.3.0   2001-09-24   added   CDateTime
2.3.0   2001-09-24   added   IPtoID
2.1.0   2001-08-27   added   Fetch function for fetching string from left
2.1.0   2001-08-27   added   RPos function (like Pos, but from right side of string)
2.0.1   2001-07-23   modified   optimalizations
Release 2   2001-06-23  
2.0.0   2001-05-13   added   Compatibility with Kylix
Release 1   2001-04-01  
1.8.0   2001-03-12   added   function StringReplace
1.7.0   2001-01-22   added   function ParseURL
1.6.0   2000-12-10   added   function IntToBin
1.6.0   2000-12-10   added   function BinToInt
1.5.0   2000-11-27   modified   Separateright work with any separator lenght
1.5.0   2000-11-27   removed   all ASN functions moved to ASN1util unit
1.4.0   2000-10-24   added   Function StrToHex
1.3.0   2000-10-09   added   function GetEmailDesc
1.3.0   2000-10-09   added   function GetEmailAddr
1.3.0   2000-10-09   added   function getparameter
1.3.0   2000-10-09   added   function SeparateRight
1.3.0   2000-10-09   added   function SeparateLeft
1.2.1   2000-09-18   fixed   TimeZone not work correctly with daylight saving
1.2.1   2000-09-18   fixed   MIBtoID now works with element grater then 255
1.2.1   2000-09-18   fixed   IDtoMIB now works with element grater then 255
1.2.0   2000-02-01   added   Function IPToId
1.1.0   2000-01-10   added   Function IsIP
1.1.0   2000-01-10   added   Function ReverseIP
1.1.0   2000-01-10   added   Function MibToId
1.1.0   2000-01-10   added   Function IdToMib
1.1.0   2000-01-10   added   Function IntMibToStr
1.0.0   1999-10-30   added   many misc. utils. See documentation.
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Generated by Trackar 1.1 (c)2005 Lukas Gebauer