Unit synamisc

DescriptionusesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables





Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
record TProxySetting This record contains information about proxy setting.

Functions and Procedures

procedure WakeOnLan(MAC, IP: string);
function GetDNS: string;
function GetIEProxy(protocol: string): TProxySetting;
function GetLocalIPs: string;


Functions and Procedures

procedure WakeOnLan(MAC, IP: string);

By this function you can turn-on computer on network, if this computer supporting Wake-on-lan feature. You need MAC number (network card indentifier) of computer for turn-on. You can also assign target IP addres. If you not specify it, then is used broadcast for delivery magic wake-on packet. However broadcasts workinh only on your local network. When you need to wake-up computer on another network, you must specify any existing IP addres on same network segment as targeting computer.

function GetDNS: string;

Autodetect current DNS servers used by system. If is defined more then one DNS server, then result is comma-delimited.

function GetIEProxy(protocol: string): TProxySetting;

Autodetect InternetExplorer proxy setting for given protocol. This function working only on windows!

function GetLocalIPs: string;

Return all known IP addresses on local system. Addresses are divided by comma.

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