====== How To Use POP3 with SSL ====== uses blcksock, smtpsend, pop3send, ssl_openssl, //... type ESMTP = class (Exception); EPOP3 = class (Exception); //... procedure TForm1.edReceiveClick(Sender: TObject); var pop3: TPOP3Send; i: integer; begin pop3 := TPOP3Send.Create(); try pop3.AutoTLS := false; pop3.Username:='test'; pop3.Password:='*****'; pop3.TargetHost:=''; pop3.TargetPort := '995'; pop3.FullSSL := true; pop3.Sock.SSL.SSLType := LT_SSLv3; pop3.Sock.SSLDoConnect(); if not pop3.Login() then raise EPOP3.Create('POP3 ERROR: Login'); AddToLog('POP3 Stat'); if not pop3.Stat() then raise EPOP3.Create('POP3 ERROR: stat'); AddToLog('Stat: '+IntToStr(pop3.StatCount)+' msgs'); for i := 1 to pop3.StatCount do begin AddToLog('POP3 Retr(' + IntToStr(i) + ')'); if not pop3.Retr(i) then raise EPOP3.Create('POP3 ERROR: retr(' + IntToStr(i) + ')'); RichEdit2.lines.Add(' '); RichEdit2.lines.Add('*** POP3 Retr(' + IntToStr(i) + ') *******'); RichEdit2.lines.AddStrings(pop3.FullResult); pop3.FullResult.SaveToFile('mail_' + IntToStr(i) + '.msg'); if not pop3.Dele(i) then raise EPOP3.Create('POP3 ERROR: dele(' + IntToStr(i) + ')'); end; finally pop3.Free; end; end;