====== How To Use SMTP with TLS ====== uses blcksock, smtpsend, pop3send, ssl_openssl, //... type ESMTP = class (Exception); //... // e-mail template (subject and other headers+CRLF+CRLF+e-mail body) // in file sFileName procedure MailSend(const sSmtpHost, sSmtpPort, sSmtpUser, sSmtpPasswd, sFrom, sTo, sFileName: AnsiString); var smtp: TSMTPSend; msg_lines: TStringList; begin msg_lines := TStringList.Create; smtp := TSMTPSend.Create; try msg_lines.LoadFromFile(sFileName); msg_lines.Insert(0, 'From: ' + sFrom); msg_lines.Insert(1, 'To: ' + sTo); smtp.UserName := sSmtpUser; smtp.Password := sSmtpPasswd; smtp.TargetHost := sSmtpHost; smtp.TargetPort := sSmtpPort; AddToLog('SMTP Login'); if not smtp.Login() then raise ESMTP.Create('SMTP ERROR: Login:' + smtp.EnhCodeString); AddToLog('SMTP StartTLS'); if not smtp.StartTLS() then raise ESMTP.Create('SMTP ERROR: StartTLS:' + smtp.EnhCodeString); AddToLog('SMTP Mail'); if not smtp.MailFrom(sFrom, Length(sFrom)) then raise ESMTP.Create('SMTP ERROR: MailFrom:' + smtp.EnhCodeString); if not smtp.MailTo(sTo) then raise ESMTP.Create('SMTP ERROR: MailTo:' + smtp.EnhCodeString); if not smtp.MailData(msg_lines) then raise ESMTP.Create('SMTP ERROR: MailData:' + smtp.EnhCodeString); AddToLog('SMTP Logout'); if not smtp.Logout() then raise ESMTP.Create('SMTP ERROR: Logout:' + smtp.EnhCodeString); AddToLog('OK!'); finally msg_lines.Free; smtp.Free; end; end;